Want to give a gift with purchase to all your users?

Prize operation

Gift with Purchase

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Lead Generation
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Gift with Purchase
Lead Generation

With a simple gesture they will be able to receive it.

Here are a few examples:


Fill out the form and receive our e-book as a gift!


Buy the product and get a hat as a gift!


The action requested within the times and in the manner specified in the Rules will suffice to receive the prize.

The prize can be:
➔ a physical object, which will be shipped to the consumer's home or collected at a predefined place;
➔ a digital gift, for example, a voucher sent by e-mail.

The strength of the SAFE GIFT is that every request, within the criteria you have set, is honored; obviously, however, the assessment of the costs is based on an estimate.

And with applications similar to example A that is, the cases in which the gift is given to all participants without the request of an economic act, the initiative is not part of the prize events, so there are no bureaucratic procedures and, above all, tax burdens borne by your company.

With the Wink suite, you can also add a final draw among everyone who participated.

With the Wink suite you can adapt this solution to your needs
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GDPR compliant

All personal data is collected in compliance with European legislation (GDPR 2016/679).

Integrated analytics

Visualize In real time The progress of the campaign thanks to a Dashboard extremely detailed.

Data extraction

Export with a click Participants' data in the format you prefer: CSV, PDF, XLSX, TXT or other.
Alternative solutions
Watch an example
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