Use only unaccented letters and numbers. You cannot use accented letters, double spaces, punctuation, or special characters.
IMPORTANT: It is also possible to change the name of the project later. However, the name you enter the first time will be used to create the address of the internship site
A1 and it will no longer be editable, so it is important that it comes
written correctly, without typos.
For example, if the name of the initiative is”
Grand VinciTutto Competition“an internship will be created using a Wink subdomain with this address:
When the site is then finally published, it will be possible to connect a personalized domain, for example:
Www.concorsovincitutto.it, so that users can access the contest without the name of the Wink platform appearing.
➜ For more information on how they are managed
initiative domains,
click here.