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Customize the form

In this step it is possible to customize the participation form, deciding which data to ask users.
The form consists of two modules:
A one dedicated to the collection of personal data of the participant
B one dedicated to information on purchase document or on the invoice (if the purchase is a participation constraint provided for by the mechanics).

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⚠️ NOTE If your project Does not require login, the two forms are merged and presented on the same participation page. If instead Have you activated the login, the two forms are separated: the first will be published on the registration page and the second will become the participation form for all intents and purposes, allowing users already logged in to go directly to enter the data of the purchase document.
Participant's personal data
A1 Required data. If profiling users is not a priority objective, you can speed up the compilation by asking only their first name, last name and email (which are always mandatory and cannot be deactivated).
A2Address. By choosing this option, you will be asked for the full address, consisting of: street/square, house number, municipality, province and zip code.
A3Additional data. You can add a series of additional fields and, for each, decide if they are mandatory: region, phone/cell phone, date of birth, gender and tax code.
Purchase document data
B1 Amount of promoted products purchased.

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⚠️ NOTE If, in the previous step dedicated to mechanics, you have set up a minimum quantity of products to buy, this field becomes mandatory and cannot be deactivated. If the participant enters a number smaller than the required amount, the bet is not accepted.
B2 Proof of purchase data. You can choose whether to request the details of the receipt, the invoice or both.*
If activated, the following are required:
- progressive number
- total amount spent** (VAT included in the case of an invoice)
- date of purchase
- time of purchase (the latter only for the receipt)

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* If, in the previous step dedicated to mechanics, did you predict the mandatory purchase document, the receipt cannot be deactivated. The item 'invoice', on the other hand, must be added.

** If in the previous step dedicated to mechanics you planned a minimum purchase amount, participations with smaller amounts will not be accepted.
B3 Additional Information. Here it is possible to set up a series of additional information, such as the code of the store or the promotional operation.
B4 Upload images. Select these options if you want the participant to upload an image of the receipt, an identity document, an EAN code, a label or other...

The regulations on prize events

What to know to comply with Italian legislation on prize events
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